20Jan 2025
The Benefits Of Professional Installation vs. DIY
One of the biggest decisions you will need to make when buying a new shed is whether to install it yourself or hire a professional to complete the work for you. Professional shed installers offer much, but are they really worth the cost, or should you try to install a shed without any outside help? To answer these questions and more, you must examine the pros and cons associated with each option. After that, it will be much easier to make the right choice for your shed installation: DIY or professional.
Pros of Professional Shed Installation
Let’s start by considering the pros associated with a professional shed installation:
Expertise and Experience
No matter how skilled you are, professional shed installers will have far more experience. They will have installed countless sheds in the course of their work, ranging from conventional garden sheds all the way up to large industrial sheds and farm sheds. This means they will be better equipped to deal with any unexpected difficulties that may be encountered during the installation. -
Time Savings
In addition to being able to deal with unexpected issues more efficiently, professional installers should also be able to install a shed considerably faster than most amateurs. If you need your shed up and running as soon as possible or you don’t really have time to perform the installation yourself, hiring professional installers makes good sense. -
Reputable manufacturers provide comprehensive guarantees with every shed they make. DIY installs, performed by amateurs with no professional experience, may void these guarantees in some circumstances. If you want the reassurance of a lengthy manufacturer’s guarantee, professional shed installers are your best option.
Choose a professional shed installation, and you will enjoy all the above benefits, but how do they compare to the benefits associated with a DIY shed installation? Let’s find out.
Benefits of DIY Shed Installation
While it certainly won’t be the best choice for most people in most situations, a DIY shed installation does have some benefits to recommend it.
Cost Savings
If you don’t have to pay a team of professional shed installers, you can save a substantial amount of money. Skilled labour does not come cheap, so if you possess the necessary skills to handle the work yourself, it’s well worth thinking about. If you haven’t installed a shed before but have installed carports or single garages in the past, you may still have the required skill set. All these structures share many similarities. -
Personal Satisfaction
If you have the time and necessary skills, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as completing a shed installation without any help, especially if you are a keen DIY enthusiast. A small garden shed will provide much satisfaction if installed without professional assistance, while completing the installation of something more complex, like a large agricultural shed, will bring even greater satisfaction. -
Flexibility and Customisation
When installing a shed by yourself, there is no need to consult anyone else should you wish to alter the design. As long as you know what you are doing, you are free to change the design and layout of your new shed on the fly. However, the amount of customisation you can achieve will depend on the type of shed you are installing. If it is a prefabricated unit, you will not be able to deviate too far from the original design without fabricating additional components yourself.
Now you are familiar with the benefits that professional and DIY shed installation offer, it’s time to decide which is the best option in your case. To do this, you must consider the key factors carefully.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Professional and DIY
To ensure that you make the right shed installation choice, we recommend considering the following factors carefully:
Your Skill Level
When considering your abilities, be honest with yourself. There is no point in tackling a shed installation alone if you are not capable of finishing the job. -
Design Complexity
The more complex the design, the harder it will be to install without professional assistance. For example, a simple storage unit could be quite easy for most DIY enthusiasts to install, but a large open bay shed is a different proposition altogether. -
Available Time
One of the most important factors to consider is how much time you have available. If you are too busy, hiring a professional may be the only practical option.
Having considered the above factors carefully, you should now be in a position to decide whether a professional or DIY shed installation is right for you. Whatever your decision, please feel free to read our guide to preparing for a new shed installation before you get started. It contains much useful information.
How to Find Reliable Shed Installers
If you decide on a professional shed installation, you will need to find a reliable local installer. When contacting shed installers in your area, follow the suggestions below to ensure that you pick the best team.
Check Qualifications and Reviews
Ask what professional qualifications each member of the team possesses and check online reviews of the firm if available. -
Request Quotes and Estimates
If you feel comfortable with a company after chatting to one of their representatives, request an estimate or quotation to see if they are competitive.
The most competitive team of professionals should be a great choice for your shed installation and will definitely save you time. Whether you buy a standard or custom shed, skilful installers will be able to put it together faster and more efficiently than you can manage alone.
Final Thoughts: Making the Right Choice for Your Shed Installation
A DIY shed installation could save you quite a lot of money, but it’s only a practical proposition if you have the necessary skills and experience. Otherwise, hiring professional shed installers is almost certainly the best option for you. If you are still not sure which option is best for you, please feel free to contact us or read our guide on DIY vs. Hiring a Builder. Either way, it will be our pleasure to help you make the right decision.